Important Community Restructure

ArmaKOTH Blog
Published in
4 min readApr 2, 2018


Dear valued community,

As of today, there are going to be some major changes happening internally, some of these changes will also become very evident to the community — for those of you that haven’t already noticed.

We are formally cutting ties with Hostile Takeover as a whole. As of late there have been many internal disagreements as to the best path forward for the mission and its image, which as you expect several parties involved had a difference of opinion. In an attempt to keep everything civil we will not be going into details around the aforementioned.

Our officially supported version will be called “King of the Hill by Sa-Matra”, versions v12 onward (as of 28/11/2018). This is where all your player data will remain, this will not be shared whatsoever, Sa-Matra himself will continue to develop King of the Hill as you all know it to be and within his own vision.

That’s the disheartening news out of the way! Now onto the good news, we will be releasing v10 vanilla just in time or even before for the long-awaited Tanks DLC!
It of-course will support this from the get go, meaning as soon as the DLC is ready the new in-game assets will automatically become available.
There may be some tweaks needed, but you should be able to enjoy the latest arsenal of vehicles immediately.
We have also chosen to not carry over old profile data from v9 to v10 (vanilla).

Most prominent reasons why an import isn’t going to happen:

  • We cannot fully sanitise data to 100% ensure that no profile cheaters will be imported, this also includes the “cheat xp servers”.
  • We are re-balancing the progression system to address various issues like huge profits from vehicle kills and people with hundreds of millions of monies.
  • The current data set of legacy profiles isn’t future proof.
    It simply isn’t compatible with our new future plans e.g. our statistics website. V10 can also track over 75% more than v9 EVER could.
  • Then having to optimise OLD data isn’t feasible either.
  • If we were to import data we also couldn’t fully guarantee it was 100% up to date.

We WILL be looking at rewarding players in some way (maybe in several ways), we are just figuring some stuff out.

Question and Answers Section:

Q: Will Rewards given in or after the wipe depend on ranks or is it going to be equal for everyone?
A: At this time it will not depend on ranks, at least initially, we are most certainly looking at rewarding folks with REALLY high levels. Having said that we will be offering in game rewards to everyone from the get go. We will initially wanted to do something similar like we did in 1944 when that was migrated. Where we granted 2x XP based on your levels. This isn’t feasible at this time.

Q: Will there be double xp events or weekends?
A: Most defiantly as briefly touched on above.

Q: Will there be achievements?
A: Yep we are also looking into the feasibility of rewarding players who played v9 with some unique achievements.

Q: Will v10 get back to the old Jet Damage system?
A: No, the damage system is set by the game and no us, we will however be looking at changing weapon loadouts.

Q: Will the AT/AA/AP launcher be able to be perma bought?
A: Yes, some weapons will not be available to be permanently purchased. This isn’t set in stone yet however.

Q: Are there going to be fundamental changes in gameplay?
A: Yes, we will be changing the progression system from the very beginning, however, in terms of fundamental changes, these will come after v10. Our initial goal is to get all database integration online and working (in a stable state).

Q: Will towers be destructible?
A: No we have found from past experiments that this is all everyone will do from the very start, therefore making having them pointless. If you do not like towers play on a no towers server. Or request one.

Q: Will the V10 vanilla have Faction restricted gear like 1944 and RHS?
A: No :P

Q: Same “reward system” for donators like in RHS, (eg yellow name, skins, uniforms)?
A: Yes.

Q: Do people need restores to receive any in game benefits that we will be offering?
A: No this is not needed.

All of the above questions were asked in our Discord by community members.

Finally, when v10 vanilla launches properly we will be discontinuing all profile restores, we will also no longer support v9 versions of the mission. Anyone who has bought a server through a Game Service Provider will have up to 30 days to switch; NOTE there might be amendments to your agreement.

If you have any other questions about anything mentioned above, you are most welcome on our Discord here.

Thank you for taking the time to read this.

